4 Must-Have Features in HVAC Systems

Technology has revolutionized home heating and cooling processes in recent years. Unlike conventional HVAC systems, modern HVAC systems are outfitted with smart features that improve reliability, comfort, and energy efficiency. When choosing an HVAC system, it’s always best to pick a high-efficiency system. That being said, there’s a whole lot more to an HVAC system than efficiency. In this article, we’ll show you some features to look out for in HVAC systems.

1. SEER Rating


A seasonal Energy-Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating is assigned to every modern HVAC system. A high SEER rating is one of the essential features of the perfect air conditioning system. More so, an HVAC system with a high rating has greater energy efficiency than one with a low rating. The implication of being more energy efficient is that the system won’t consume more power. Regardless of how expensive an HVAC system with a high SEER rating is, it’s worth every penny. Come to think of it, a highly rated unit will help you save a significant amount on energy costs in the long run.

2. Variable-Speed Motor

Conventional air conditioners run on a single-speed motor to circulate cold or hot air around an indoor space. HVAC units with single-speed motors are susceptible to wear and tear since it always runs at full speed whenever it’s in operation. Moreover, a system that performs at optimal speed is bound to consume more energy and may not last long.

If you’re looking for a long-lasting HVAC system with a low energy consumption rate, opt for one with a variable speed system. This feature gives you more control over the air circulation speed. Depending on the weather condition of your area, you can create an environment that’s conducive and comfortable for you and your loved ones. Additionally, an HVAC system with a variable-speed motor experiences less strain and consumes less energy.

3. Zoning System

Conventional HVAC systems use ducts to circulate fresh air throughout the home. If you’re a large family, it might not be easy to maintain a comfortable temperature for everyone. You might also likely experience uneven temperatures in various areas of your home. In the long run, you’ll waste energy as unoccupied rooms will still be getting a supply of conditioned air. Notwithstanding, you can install dampers in your ducts and thermostats in different areas of your home for a more efficient zoning system.

Conversely, a ductless HVAC system saves you the hassle of closing the ducts. Since it doesn’t require ductwork, it’ll be easier to establish an efficient zoning system in your indoor space. You can also set different climate conditions for all the rooms in your home

All in all, zoning improves comfort by satisfying the temperature needs of every member of your household. Additionally, you don’t have to waste energy as the zoning system allows you to circulate air to occupied rooms.

4. Programmable Thermostat


Thanks to technology, you can now regulate the temperature of your HVAC system remotely with a smart thermostat. This allows you to preset the air conditioner or heating unit to your desired temperature. This feature is an upgrade to an HVAC system with a conventional thermostat that only allows you to adjust the temperature manually.

Moreover, smart thermostats have significantly evolved in terms of capability and efficiency. Nowadays, these programmable thermostats can learn your behavior and schedule and automatically adjust the temperature to deliver optimal comfort. Additionally, smart thermostats now come with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity for easier control. You can also download the appropriate app on your smart mobile device and sync it to your HVAC unit. More so, with a Wi-Fi connection, you set the temperature of your HVAC system at any given time.

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